Flexible rooms and playful transitions between indoor and outdoor activities
Karate fighters doing spin-kicks in the large hall, small jumping gymnasts on a trampoline in the high room, while yoga enthusiasts lie calmly and stretch out in the quiet area. Vissenbjerg sports and culture centre has multiple rooms that can be split up, closed in and opened up with the aid of curtains, lifting and folding walls. The rooms can be transformed into an exhibition hall, highwayman festival and theatre. The new multi-purpose hall is connected to the existing buildings, and in the centre is the café. As the facilities’ heart, the café binds a sculptural staircase with fitness on the first floor and the cellar’s out base. The extension’s transparent facade filters the light in an ever-changing game. The users look out at the landscape and playing fields, and football players and petanque enthusiasts go directly there. The sports centre is a visible focal point for the whole town and guests are curiously drawn inside.
- KATEGORICompleted
- STEDVissenbjerg, Fyn
- BYGHERREVissenbjerg Hallerne
- STØTTET AFLokale- og Anlægsfonden
- OPGAVETYPEKoncept, formgivning, indretning og bygherrerådgivning
- SAMARBEJDEP+P arkitekter (Teknisk projektering)
- AREAL1800 m2
- UDFØRT2012